It’s been awhile since I’ve written- Talent Show, school, goofing off. My days are just packed.
But I have a rant I want to get off my chest...the modern moralists. People would generally associate the ‘religious right’ with the Puritans, and I can understand their view point. But how about the non-religious moralists? Let me give you an example...
I was watching a DVD last night that we rented from Netflix. It started with the now-customary anti-piracy message (you know, copy a DVD and go to hell). This particular infomerical used the movie Casablanca as it's 'theme', adultery, copying DVD's. It wrapped up it's morality play by basically stating that adultery is good, pirating movies is satanic. Do I need to comment on this?
And then the morality play continued with an anti-smoking commercial.
So I sum up the modern moralists like this:
Hurt others. Don't hurt yourself. Don't hurt the environment. And, whatever you do, DON'T SCREW WITH OUR PROFITS!