Halloween was lovely- a neighborhood party, a wee bit of trick or treating, and games here at our house, with homemade fudge and store-bought apple cider. We had a good time and went to bed early. The little bit of candy that was brought into the house will be doled out slowly, over the next week or so, and then dumped. Yes, I’m a mean mama!
I’ve been thinking about sacrifice lately, and what it means in the life of a Christian mother. I think too often us moms allow our culture’s view of family & children overtake our own perspective. We see our children as a burden; something to endure; indubitably, we love them, but please, get them out of the house as soon as possible!
I know how demanding the little ones are. I know what it is like to be with them continually- the questions, the needs, the arguing- it’s exhausting, and much like Jesus with the disciples, there are just times when a mother needs time alone. (Really, from reading the gospels, the disciples do sound amazingly like a bunch of toddlers. So I think Jesus really can sympathize with us young moms!) It’s a love that always gives without receiving anything except the satisfaction of serving. It requires the love of God in our own hearts. So what is the Christian perspective of children? A blessing. How? How can something which is so difficult, so costly, also be a blessing? I think I’ll save that question for another post…
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