Friday, December 28, 2007

the 'bucks

I have a love/hate relationship with Starbuck’s, affectionately referred to as “the ‘bucks”.

Stereotypical/hypocritical. Hypocritical in that their original logo was a mermaid with huge (bare) tracts of land, but they recently kicked a nursing mother of a store b/c she might offend the other patrons. Hypocritical in that they try to give an artsy, anti-establishment, progressive kind of feel to their shops, yet they are an enormous profit-making corporation, and every store looks alike. And that is also why they are stereotypical…

Dependable, good coffee and perky baristas. Often I go to small, local coffeeshops and am consistently assaulted with weak coffee and grouchy workers. What are you trying to do to me, man? This is my addiction. Yes, Starbucks is not really a progressive, artistically-inclined small business. Yes, they are trying to take over the world, along with Disney, Wal-mart, Google, and Microsoft. But heck, I’ll gladly whore my principles for a decent cup of joe…so Starbuck’s it is.

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