Monday, January 21, 2008

winter is defeating me

I am tired, depressed, hopeless and apathetic. Winter is once again defeating me. The short days and freezing temperatures wear me to the bone (unfortunately, not literally. Actually the whole season makes me turn to food for comfort. Another depressing aspect of winter). I am unreasonably grumpy most of the time. I feel trapped inside the house but can’t stand the arctic blast that hits me every time I open the door.

But I feel the first stirrings of hope…dinnertime is not completely dark anymore. A few rays of sunshine still linger on the fringes of the western sky, and each day they last a bit longer. In just six short weeks the bulbs in our garden will begin to push their way out through the frigid soil. I have already bought a weeping pussy willow, which is currently sitting on the cabinet by my kitchen window, waiting to be planted as soon as Spring is finally here. And I am planning the rest of our backyard garden; peonies and roses and maybe even a Japanese maple…a brick path, perhaps, if I work up the courage to attempt it…

Winter may be beating me now, but I know I’ll survive it again this year. However, I think retiring on the Mediterranean is definitely in my future!

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