Friday, June 13, 2008


I have some sort of nasty cold and it is making me miserable. I know I need rest and I am forcing myself to sit down between bouts of housecleaning. It is just so difficult, sitting here doing nothing, when there are dishes stacked up and toys strewn everywhere and hair in the bathroom sink and $20 missing somewhere in the house...especially when that $20 is our ice cream money for tonight and I’d really like to find it before going out!

On the good side, the kids do a lot of work (which is as it should be, considering most of the mess is from them!) and I can enjoy the wonderful Putumayo disc we borrowed from the library (World Groove, for the other Putumayo fans out there) while I am resting.

Today is Anastasia’s eighth birthday- it feels unreal that she is so old!- and we are preparing for her birthday party tomorrow. Cookie pizza, sub sandwiches, homemade party hats and hopefully a clean house. The boys and I took breakfast to her in bed this morning. It is so good to see the children caring for each other. They have the usual sibling disputes and frustrations but it is always apparent they truly love each other. If they can make it through life with good family relationships I figure I’ll have accomplished something significant!

Well, I need to finish my tea and get back to work…or at least my task-mastering…those little sluggards are lollygagging while I’m distracted here! Hee hee hee.


Mijiza said...

You sound like a hoot! I hope you don't mind, I am going to check out your blog from time to time. Hope your housecleaning goes well, and don't forget to put your feet up!

On a fools hope said...

Girl I just got over a cld andit feels so wrong to have one in the summer time! On the bright side you'll have ice cream and that always does me good. I had some Blue Bell Moo Tracks-very rich but oh so delicious...I didn't realise Ana and Hattie were so close in age...Hattie is 7. Some days I am amazed that I have survived this long and that she is as balanced as she is.