Monday, December 10, 2007

dinnertime doldrums

Nine out of ten housewives agree- cooking dinner each night SUCKS! You don’t want to fix the same meal each night. You also want to serve your family something (relatively) healthy. And perhaps most importantly, all the ingredients have to fit within the dismally small ‘grocery budget’.

Add it all up, and basically I’m regularly cooking things at least one member of the family won’t like (too bad for them; this is when it comes in handy to be a mean mama).

My feelings about all this have gotten worse and worse over the years. It doesn’t help that dinnertime comes in the afternoon, when my Hispanic bones are crying for a siesta and we’ve already had a full day of school. But lately my heart has been convicted of these bad attitudes, and I have been contemplating the more global (to use the parlance of our times) and historical perspectives of eating.

Mealtimes, I believe, should be a time where we gather together to nourish our bodies, to enjoy the good things God has provided for us, and to appreciate our family. They should not be a ‘stuff-your-face-as-fast-as-you-can-so-we-can-get-back-to-important things’ kind of activity that the American culture typically practices. I am the person primarily responsible for facilitating this daily family ritual. I want to approach it with love and a desire to serve my family, not as another heavy burden added to my breaking back.

As with most things, recognizing the problem is half the battle, and as my friend Amy likes to say: “Progress, not perfection.” So do I get to order pizza tonight?


Ron Obvious said...

Perhaps instead of Amy's comment I could add "Pepperoni or pineapple?"?

Phvern said...

that would be sweet :) or perhaps salty,if we ordered pepperoni...