Monday, March 10, 2008

Housework Deficit Disorder

This is a malady that affects an unknown number of men and children worldwide. Typical symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Statements such as, “But I already do so much housework!” and “What housework? Where?”
  • Walking around large piles of objects on the floor without stopping to pick them up, put them away, or so forth
  • Complete oblivion and ingratitude to the amount of housework that the other members of the household manage to finish (while sick, tired, and already occupied with numerous other tasks)
  • Incessantly adding to the workload of the other members of the household because, of course, they have nothing better to do
  • Never finishing (or even remembering) the few tasks assigned to them, unless repeatedly reminded and/or nagged.

The only known cure is a good smack over the head with a frying pan.

1 comment:

dyount said...

I'm fairly certain the cure doesn't work...not that i know for sure.