Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Society of Non-Wicked Step-mothers

I’m beginning a new non-profit organization: The Society of Non-Wicked Stepmothers (SNWS). Our first project will be to sue the Brothers Grimm for centuries of degrading portrayals of stepmothers (Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Snow White, etc.) I mean, why do stepmothers always have to be the villain? What did we do to deserve this kind of mistreatment? Obviously all these fairy-tales have been written by embittered first wives, who probably faked their own deaths so they could run away with some wealthy body-builder, and then got jealous when their offspring were raised by nice, sweet, kind and beautiful step-mothers while the body-builder got arrested for excessive gambling debts and steroid usage. Hah.

We should hear more about the good step-mothers- ones like my grandmother, who had eight step-children and was…well…wicked. Blast. But she was equally cruel to her own children, so that doesn’t count. How about all those wonderful step-mothers in the bible, women like…umm…


There has to be a few good step-mothers out there.

Well, when I find them, we will band together to fight for our rights. We will no longer be the demons in over-dramatic fairy tales. We will not be the greedy, jealous, possessive old hags with OCD. We will even throw off the derogatory term step-mother (what does ‘step’ imply, anyway? Someone to step on?) and demand a neutral, more descriptive term of ourselves- something like kind, sweet, sacrificial motherly figure.

Look out, Walt Disney…


Baubrey said...

Though I am not a step-mother or a mother, I do have both, and I whole-heartedly agree. You guys get a nasty rap from the gitgo, and it ain't fair. If anything, you should be called the "amazingly brave and underappreciated, possibly insane for taking on such a difficult role" mothers. I mean, come on! How many kids do any of you out there know that are delighted at the thought of some new person invading their family, their home and their lives, especially infringing on their relationship with the other parent? How many kids do you know that love submission to authority, especially that of someone who just shows up all of a sudden? Man, there ain't a job I can think of that would be harder.

So, maybe you should be called miracle mothers.

Miracle Mothers band together!

Phvern said...

gee, thanks, aubrey, I feel loved now. maybe there's hope for all us non-wicked stepmothers after all!