Friday, February 22, 2008

The 'Up'-Side of Motherhood

It’s difficult, sometimes, to really enjoy my children. The distractions of housework, teaching, and discipline can overshadow- even replace- the more important aspects of motherhood: loving and relating to these people who drive me nuts on a daily basis. Some of our more poignant moments…

India singing “O bess da yord, and sing his gory, and tew of aw, da marbles he has done.” (the best part is when she hits the high note ‘aw’)

Malachi and Anastasia being totally impressed and amazed by the removal of a spring-form pan. (for those non-bakers out there, a spring-form pan is what you use to make a cheesecake. It is pretty nifty.)

Stuart finding a miniature candy cane in his pocket, and cutting it into four tiny pieces so he could share with his siblings, even though they weren't around to ask.

India’s entire bedtime routine. Running like mad to her bed, covering herself up, and calling out “Come find me!” (she hides in the same place every night J ) Then we have to pray, kiss each cheek, and receive a kiss. That’s a total of six kisses for one kid going to bed! Recently she announced she wasn't going to hide

Anastasia declaring “That’s just wrong!” at a picture in Malachi’s arthropod book (two bugs mating…I’d have to agree…)

When told that someone lived in India, India looked up and said, “He’s in my belly?!”

The kids were discussing where they wanted to live. I said the Mediterranean. Stuart said France. Anastasia said Puerto Rico. Malachi said MaplewoodMaplewood? Well, why not?

Stuart planning his birthday party…eight months in advance…I refused to let him mail out invitations!


On a fools hope said...

Ha! Yes I agree. I get so side tracked b the dail do's that often I don't reall appreciate my child. Especially on das when she is incredibaly hard headed whch is most days:) One of my favourites of Hatties is commenting to her teacher that her mom was like wonder woman. Nice right? Except then she added, "yeah she's always wondering where her stuff is"....ew slam.

On a fools hope said...

kung fu teacher....

Princess Zhel said...

maplewood IS awesome. i mean, seriously, who wouldn't want to live there? go malachi!